Hello Community,
Today brings a well needed update to our White Paper which reflects the recent changes to our dapp platform.
In the previous white paper, our dapp consensus mechanism was bound to the developers multi-signature account, causing a limitation on the number of possible master nodes for a given sidechain. The goods news being, master nodes are now completely independent and our white paper has been updated accordingly.
You can read more about this issue in our recent blog post: Crypti Dapps now more decentralized than ever before!
Additionally we also fixed the grammar, extended some sections to make them clearer and updated the Crypti client naming convention. Where the previously named Crypti Lite Client has been renamed to Crypti and the Crypti Full Client has been renamed to Crypti: Delegate and Developer Edition.
If you have any questions regarding our White Paper you can join us on Slack or ask in our Forum.